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Felsted School

Project: New Girl’s Boarding House

Client: Felsted School

Location: Felsted, Dunmow

In 2012, BHM Architects obtained Planning Consent for a 62-bed girl’s boarding house on a new location within the School’s campus.  This site was previously identified within BHM Architect’s developed master plan for boarding expansion.


The boarding house accommodates pupils in a mixture of three and four-bed dorms with communal washroom facilities and single-bed en-suite accommodation for the older girls. A ground-floor large common room for students,  staff houses and flats are also accommodated within the building.


As the building is situated within the village’s conservation area and in recognition of the previous Follyfield Boarding House's heritage, a traditional material palette of handmade clay roof tiles and bricks are all interwoven into the design, which also incorporates modern aluminium widows and zinc cladding. Dormer windows and bay windows have also been used to reduce the visual impact of the building on its surroundings and create interest in the facades.

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